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Hello Tomorrow - Building the Next New Normal
In today's critical times, businesses need inspiration, guidance and leadership to proceed into the future. Our 125+ speakers are leaders in business, marketing, digital and social media, branding, and all related areas. The e-World Marketing Summit, brainchild of father of marketing Professor Dr. Philip Kotler, unite innovative minds from the corporate, public, non-profit and acedemia spheres to explore ways to integrate marketing solutions to solve world's complex problems.

Rebound Economy Through
The Lens of Marketing
Enjoyed delivering a keynote at @kotl World Marketing Summit highlighting the power of #social and #mobilephone towards a new era of #superintelligence in #marketing based on data and Insights @head_of_toys
Irfan Wahab Khan Chief Executive Officer, Telenor Pakistan
WMS is the intersection point for people of various backgrounds to get their brains together and come up with innovative approaches to reset our societies around the world in view of the current challenges. The societal impact of the findings from WMS will be significant.
Nancy NemesGeneral Manager Google Sales & CMO Digital Marketing, Microsoft Europe
WMS is a wonderful opportunity to connect, exchange and be inspired, by colliding with hundreds of people with diverse backgrounds and innovative ideas.
Mauro PorciniGlobal Chief Design Officer, Pepsi Cola USA