Paolo Gallo

What do we need to do to understand the future? Why does a leader need to adapt to every “new” change? How can we reframe the future?  How can the 5 Cs help us understand the future and design it?  Why cant we call the future the new normal”?

Paolo Gallo explains that we are not going to live the a New normal” after Pandemics because we are unable to anticipate or predict the future. However, we can design, co-create and understand it.


Nicoletta Luppi

• How to rethink and transform healthcare? • Which are the 10 biggest threats in 2020 for Health? • Is the Pandemic served as a widespread test to verify the effectiveness of digital solutions? • What is the important to invest in Prevention?

Nicoletta Luppi talks about the creation of shared value in healthcare, and how to make National Healthcare Systems resilient to current and future pandemics.

Roberto Basso

• How is it possible for an individual to differentiate themselves from others by following a personal branding strategy? • What is the perfect image? • Why is personal branding important?

Roberto Basso explains what personal branding is and how an individual should act in order to create this brand.

Fabrizio Contardi

What are the challenges of leading teams through change and deliver excellence in turbulent times?  What is the key to success in leadership? What are the challenges of building brands?  What is the Homo Faber Approach?

Fabrizio Contardi speech aims at showing the importance of leaders in companies and their effect on the teams they are working with. It also analyses the Homo Faber approach that holds strategies for leaders to follow to bring their teams and their business to success.