Country: Spain
Ana Beatriz Hernandez Lara
Carlos Aires
Elia Guardiola
Success is how many lives you have changed for the better with your way of working. The synonymous with success is legacy, a company’s future, and the responsibility to care for the three P’s. Remember people, the planet, and profit
Sandra Sotillo
How the incorporation of trust management can cater new demands? How should citizens trust the companies? Why is it important to incorporate the importance of customers and stakeholders to do business? How trust generates positive recommendations?
Sotelo highlights that when you learn about marketing and communication, trust comes first. So companies that lack the relationship of trust with their consumers and stakeholders lose the capability of competitive advantage. Since the pandemic, investors are urging companies to manage and sustain the relationship of trust and certainty with consumers. He advocates that few companies are not embracing and adapting the change responsible for effective management and clientele building. Trust building helps in making better decisions and establishing long lasting relations. This also helps in contributing to the planet and society.
Elia Guardiola
What is storytelling and what connection does it have with our brain? What are the tips one needs to know before creating their own storytelling? Why does one need to put a lot of focus in building their storytelling brand? How to transform or inspire your customers from storytelling?
Elia Guardiola, a professional storyteller focused in her speech on important points that one needs to learn to become a storyteller. Her speech had motivating energy for those who wanted to opt this profession in the future, as she shared many tips on how to become a storyteller and the significance of sharing stories. She talks about creating an inspiring storytelling brand that also prioritizes keeping good relationships with the audience and the customers.