Kozo Takaoka

What is innovation? How can management be called marketing? Why is marketing more than human management? How major innovations have benefited mankind?
Kozo Takoka in his talks explains the definition of innovation by sharing his vast experience of working as an innovation expert. He explains what is innovation and marketing and talks about the future trends of marketing and relates them to the innovations of the past.

Rob Wolcott

What are the essentials for future marketers? What is the importance of Artificial intelligence in the decision making and support for marketers? How digital technology is making an impact on the businesses? What is the concept behind the term proximity?
Rob Wolcott who has an extensive experience of management and innovation talks about the essentials that the marketers should follow. He in his speech talks about the role of technology in the marketing and how artificial intelligence and 3D printing in particular are making a positive impact on the decision making. He in his talk explains his concept of proximity and how it can benefit the future marketers.

Maher Mezher

What is the new normal causing uncertainty? Why is the lack of decisions making people afraid? How energy and creativity can shape the future? How has a crisis shaped the new human of today? How can a methodology shape an ordinary person into an innovator?
Maher Mezher shared in his speech that by looking at the bigger picture and the long-term goals one needs to have patience and a good methodology to innovate and think. He sheds light how new ideas and beliefs should be welcomed and rewarded as ideas are the future of tomorrow.

David Yeo

What new issues have emerged since the outbreak of pandemic? To remain in business what are the new alternatives adopted by the companies to tackle the challenges posed by COVID-10? Has consumer behavior returned to the pre-pandemic norms?
David Yeo, talks about the issues that COVID-19 has posed to the world, which has altered the way the economy used to function in the pre-pandemic times, especially bringing a shift in the strategies of sustaining the business. At the same time David Yeo also focused on how consumer behavior has changed, and how consumers now prefer technological alternatives and contactless services, such as online shopping. Another aspect of his speech was focused on how the pandemic has pushed for digital transformation, in almost every aspect, be it a business, consumers or education.

Rawit Hanutsaha

How skills are needed to redefine the work? What is the basis of the artificial intelligence which governs our daily life? Why is it important to learn the skills which have gone obsolete? Why is adaptation to new and modern skills important? Why upgrading a set of skills considered essential in this short life? Why is critical thinking important in today’s modern world despite knowing a set of skills? Why is re-thinking an important concept? Why is education and knowledge essential in today’s modern world?
Rawit Hanutsaha discusses how important it is to adapt to new skills but also have knowledge and education related to the old set of skills which have gone obsolete in this modern world. He further discusses the importance of critical thinking.

Zongbo Han

Creality was founded in Shenzhen, be the capital of technology in China. We focus on research, design and production with products like FDM/Resin 3D printers, 3D scanners, filaments and so on. All in all, the way of marketing is to release human nature and win the hearts and minds of people. Business methods and strategies are soft powers to read customers ‘mind and escort the company in such a competitive environment.

Yiling Wu

Why is China suffering from infectious diseases? How has crown pneumonia played an important role in controlling epidemic pneumonia? Which three prescriptive drugs are being used as prevention and control in china? How have medical industries played their role in maintaining control?
Yiling Wu has talked about different diseases spreading in China and what preventive measures were taken in controlling those particular diseases. He also talked about the important role of medical industries in providing the vaccines and capsules and how these medicines are now being used worldwide.

Tatsuhiko Fukatani

How can sustainability be changed into a competitive advantage? How can the community contribute to the business? How is Nestle contributing to the betterment of the environment? How can innovation help grow a brand such as Nestle? Why is it important to keep in mind the preferences of the customer in a populated country like Japan?
Tatsuhiko Fukatani explains in his speech how it is important to have a methodology or strategy to grow with time and adapt with the latest challenges. He was of the view that the next big thing is sustainability and how it can profit any company.

Dr. Atta ur Rahman

Why is it imperative to invest in the field of science and technology? Why are certain countries, even in the new age of crisis, able to move forward rapidly? How has technology changed the face of innovation?
Dr. Atta ur Rehman talks about the importance of education and how crucial it is for a country to prosper. He suggests the nations should take examples from the countries that have invested wealth and resources in the field of education, and research. The countries need to focus on building an educated youth for its tomorrow and this can only be done when the focus will be on educating them. Countries that invest in research and learning programs in terms of innovation and technology are far ahead than others.

Obaid Bin Zakria

How has pandemic impacted the sector of education globally? How has digital transformation penetrated the sector of education? How to improve education and training within the futuristic perspective?
Obaid bin Zakria gives valuable insights on how the sector of education has suffered due to the pandemic and how a huge number of students and educational institutions faced crisis. According to him the biggest impact was on the long practiced interactive teaching and learning methodology, which transformed from face to face interaction, mostly online processes, interchangeable use of distance learning with online education. This not only put emotional stress on the students but also affected the teaching faculty. It demanded more interactive learning environment as part of the broader digital transformation to ensure that the education institutions remain fully functional, which imply that most of the educational reforms or developments would reach out equally too much broader community irrespective of their location and socioeconomic status