Sohail Naqvi

Why is education the subject of paramount importance in Pakistan? Why is Pakistan still a part of the developing world? Why has the productivity of Pakistan not increased? Why basic health has to be a priority and is it a sustainable path towards development? Why is higher education not a luxury in Pakistan?
Sohail naqvi is discussing the problems Pakistan is facing as an underdeveloped country. In which education is on the top. He talks about building a higher educational system for the young entrepreneurs, so that innovation can be brought in Pakistan.

Mauro Porcini

What enables the organization and development of innovative products? Why do individuals find it hard to embrace the culture of change and innovation in companies? How bringing top to down change without taking the individuals of the company in confidence can turn an organization into a failure? How does the scrutiny of organizations from the media help them look through their weak areas?
Mauro Porcini highlights that to innovate a new product change must occur in the typical behavior of organizations. But, bringing change and innovation in big organizations and companies is far more difficult than the small business setups. He suggests that when you innovate something new, a very low percentage of individuals embrace it at first. In order to bring change and reset the culture, one is destined to face difficulties which is why learning from failures and success makes your vision clear on certain grounds. Mauro emphasizes the importance of taking every individual of the company along when choosing a top to bottom approach. This method will decrease the redundancy and build efficacy to push conventional boundaries infused with strength and design driven approach. Mauro Porcini advocates that the right process will ensure integration and consolidation.

Dilhan Fernando

What innovation means to a business? Why should companies focus on evolving their products? What is the importance of respecting values, and traditions, especially when running a family business? What are the principles that make business successful?
Dilhan Fernando who has been running a family business in Sri Lanka, shares his expertise on the importance of purpose when establishing a business. Through his experience, he suggests why companies need to not only focus on making money but establishing a significance. He emphasized why it is crucial to respect traditions, co-existing and most importantly when the world is facing consequences of climate change, how businesses should become eco friendly and sustainable.

Dr. Mazliham Bin Mohd. Suud

How to handle the challenge of continuation of education during the pandemic? How has the education sector changed since the eruption of the novel coronavirus? What is the importance of communication in a pandemic-like situation? What are the challenges to the online education system?
Dr. Mazliham bin. Mohd. Shares his experience about meeting the challenges that COVID-19 presented to the educational sector. Discussing the strategies that Malaysia adopted, he suggested that drastic changes have to be made to continue the education at all levels, and moving to online platforms was the most feasible option. He discussed the challenges in this regard, which required training of teachers and students in a situation which was unknown before. He shed light on how important are educational institutions in a student’s life, as it is a place where they do not only learn, but share experiences, ideas and cultures.

Prijono Sugiarto

How global forces are changing the way humans have been living? How have companies changed their strategies to adopt the new dynamics in the COVID-19 world? Why is digital competence important in the present world to remain relevant?
Prijono Sugirato briefs about the ways in which the world is being digitally transformed and at a very rapid speed. Sharing experience from Astra, he suggests that companies need to make use of technology and adopt digital transformation because the world is in the phase of the fourth Industrial Revolution. He further recommends making the corporate sector sustainable and integrating environmental considerations in the policy making and implementation.

Kozo Takaoka

Why do we have to change and transform? How do Japan develop a sustainable growth model?  What is the difference between INNOVATION and RENOVATION?  What is a customer?

Kozo Takaoka focuses on the “New Reality” in Japan: he analyzes the New Reality Problem Solution (NRPS) method based on Nestlé and Amazon performance and the Effect of Covid-19 Pandemics on the market.

Mauro Porcini

What is the role of the innovation? How brands of the biggest companies of the world changed in the last decade? How and why design is important in the innovation project? What is design-thinking? • How companies and design can make people life easier?

Mauro Porcini focuses on the importance of innovation and design in big brands, and value that these assets brings for consumers, employees of the company and the innovation itself.

David Houle

Why was 2020s decade defined as the most disruptive decade in history?  What the upcoming years will bring us?  Is there hope for positivity or negativity to cover the world? Will Artificial Intelligence will replace human beings or will humans survive with it?

In this speech, Professor David Houle will analyse the transformation to find the real definition of innovation and the role of Nature in the coming period.

Russ Klein

Does Storytelling will still the strength of a big success? Is there an alternative to storytelling in marketing? How the Experience design can be the next frontier for brand-building?

Russ Klein analyses the integration of Experience Design into marketing, making it a better strategy than storytelling to engage customers.

Manoj Singh

What is the role of design and innovation to promote a “prosumer” interaction? How it is possible to design user and human centered services? How to design for disruption?  What is MIKO 2?

Professor Manoj Singh will drive us through the role of Design and Animation as agents of disruption and its importance to the economies and markets.