Oscar Motomura

What is to be done with all the technology available to us? How has the concept of marketing been reinvented in a world of crises? How pandemic underlined the significance of global solidarity and global cooperation? Why promotion of cultural values is important in creating a cohesive marketing wall?
Motomura highlights that crisis after crisis has reinvented and transformed the marketing strategies globally. Reinvention after reinvention has tarnished the value system but also has promoted integration, solidarity, sense of giving, aims and purpose. He proposes that everybody is facing a dilemma of cooperation and competition. Cultural Revolution has transformed the face of marketing, it has become cohesive and integrating which, if utilized properly, can help in overcoming the challenges related to sustainable marketing strategies. The reinvention of marketing should be responsible for creating a high functioning promotion of humanity in entrepreneurship. Attitude of mutual help and care will lead the society towards well-being.

Jan Yang

How are typical Chinese consumers? Why are these consumers price conscious? Why do foreign brands easily find themselves in a premium position in china? Why leading to paradigm shifts in a commercial landscape? Why is it necessary for consumer brands to reach consumers in rural areas? Why do overpriced foreign brands find themselves struggling and faltering? What are the boundaries between information and sales channels?
Dr. Jan Yang has shared the information about Chinese consumers, how they work and what strategies they have. He also talked about the foreign consumers in China, like how they used to easily get their positions in the market but now have become less attractive. He also talked about the technology that has made marketing easy.

Tsunehiro Fukushima

What is going to be the future of marketing? What will be the new Digital marketing trends? What will be the revolutions in the future?
Fukushima in his speech differentiates the past innovations and trends with the innovations and trends of the future. He is sharing his vast experience of marketing and talks about the past marketing trends and ideas that changed the way of living and is guessing about the future of marketing and what is going to be the impact of digital marketing in the future.

Prof. Jagdish Sheth

Has the shift from physical first to digital first become the new reality? What has been the impact of the pandemic on marketing and on consumer behavior? What does it mean by globalization of competition?
Professor Jagdish talks about the consequences of the pandemic on marketing and how this pandemic has altered consumer behavior. He believes that due to the pandemic the business markets have faced a disruption because the global economy got shut down. However, the pandemic has imposed changes in economy, marketing and on customer behavior that tend to be permanent. Internet and social media, he argues, have had a huge impact on economy, marketing and consumer behavior. There is a new generation, which does not follow the ways of the older generation.

Dr. Mahmood Mohamadian

How pandemic changed the future of marketing globally? Why is understanding data sciences combined with marketing is important to know? Why are marketing ethics important to be recognized? What makes technology important in times of pandemic to run companies?
Mohammadi highlights that dimensions to understand marketing have changed since the pandemic. Earlier, businesses were taking decisions based on their intuitions, but COVID has increased the relevancy of data science in order to understand consumer behavior. He suggests that every problem brings challenges and opportunities i.e. technology advancement. Now businesses are revolving around data driven marketing because it helps gather information regarding consumers, suppliers and stakeholders. He elaborates, though humankind has advanced capacity in today’s world, we are still lacking marketing ethics. Marketing is about providing value for money which is why following legal guidelines is of grave significance. We as marketers need to pay more attention to ethics and technology.

Ahmad Almusained

What is marketing communication? How can marketing communication help to reach, influence and spread awareness among people? Why is today interaction between the government and private sector important? How certain campaigns can help gain people’s attention for preserving the environment? Is marketing one of the reasons for overcoming the Corona crisis?
Ahmad Almusained talks about the importance of initiatives to mitigate the efforts of coronavirus, and suggests that the main tool to do this was marketing communication. He has highlighted how the use of marketing communication has helped the government, along with private sector organizations to spread awareness among the public about the environment. Although the pandemic is still ongoing, marketing communication has helped in controlling it. Talking about initiatives to move towards Green Saudi Arabia, he focused on how Marketing campaigns have helped the government to reach out to maximum number of people and influence them.

Mahtab Uddin Ahmed

Why are digital products using digital channels to promote their products? Why an individual company can’t do everything by themselves? Why is it important to have a partner in marketing? What kind of distribution happens in emerging markets?
Mahtab Uddin Ahmed is talking about the new trends and techniques for the growth of marketing. He also discussed some significant methods to make more money. He discussed that the internet and phones are the fastest ways of increasing the growth of one industry and their products in digital ways.

Russ Klein

Is social impact a strategy or responsibility? How can a brand’s opportunity to grow be utilized in the right manner? What is purpose driven corporatism? What is conscious capitalism?
Russ Klein advises companies and brands that there can be no greater good without common good. He further says that both science and art should be utilized to raise important managerially relevant issues for marketers that will in turn throw light on the intersection between marketing and public policy. He believes that this is the future of discipline. At the same time, he recommends that public policy is for all the public. He asks corporate chieftains’ companies, brands and marketers, marketing academics for another opportunity to become part of the solution or as unity.

Thannithi Apichaichotrat

How do we marketing business using conversational commerce? What is the idea behind conversational commerce? How we are using social media for our marketing? What is the role of digital marketing in the success of our business? How is the consumer behavior in Thailand?
Thannithi the Co-Founder of Small World for Kids talks shares his experience of running the business. He started his journey nine years ago and now he explains how he used digital marketing as a tool for the growth of his business and why it is important to study consumer buying behavior. He shares his idea of conversational commerce and provides tips for the marketers to successfully implement it as marketing strategy for their business.

Dr. Dan Visitchaichan

What are basically four types of mounting skill sets that we need for marketing professionals to drive innovation in today’s so-called normal business environment? How to build a generation of community leaders and social entrepreneurs? Why is it important to focus on alternative means of educating the students in the contemporary world?
Dr. Dan Visitchaichan focused on alternative forms of education for training people to become successful entrepreneurs and leaders. In his discussion he focused more on building organizational skills that will help people make rational decisions. He emphasized that education should not be merely about literacy rate or confined to numeric skills, it should be more about organizational skills. He highlighted habits that need to be developed by the marketing individuals to drive innovation.