Vision 2031
Hello Tomorrow
Sustainable Leadership
Vision 2031 will allow students worldwide to join the electronic World Marketing Summit 2022 at “no cost”. To develop sustainable leadership skills & learn modern marketing practices, the initiative will offer 50 million students worldwide to attend eWMS’22. Millions of students around the globe will benefit from the opportunity to listen from the top-notch marketing minds including Philip Kotler, widely known as Father of the Modern Marketing. Students are the leaders for tomorrow – championing the new marketing practices, the students can contribute in creating a better and sustainable world for our future generations.
Better World
Through Education
Vision 2031 is vision of innovation created with the core belief that every individual in the pyarmid must learn modern marketing principles. It is the result of multiple avenues of feedback designed to find out what our gurus, delegates and participants think a better world should look like and what traits future leaders of 2031 should have to create a better world.
As the year 2022 marks the decennial anniversary of the World Marketing Summit, we launch our vision for the next ten years to educate and train socio-economic groups at the bottom of the pyramid while aligning with the paradigm to create a better world through marketing. In 2022, WMSG & KI will offer 50 million complimentary tickets of electronic World Marketing Summit 2022 for students worldwide, set to increase the complimentary tickets by thirty-five percent in each of the subsequent years. Every participating country will receive one million tickets for students, each ticket of the value of US$100. Hence from 2022 to 2031, World Marketing Summit Group will educate a minimum 1 billion students worldwide under it’s “Vision 2031” for Hello Tomorrow. In 2031 we all can celebrate the 100th years of the birth of the Father of Modern Marketing, Prof. Philip Kotler.
Joined by 6 Head of States and 120 world class Thought Leaders, in 2021 the electronic World Marketing Summit had a global record of 41.07 million viewership and simultaneously broadcasted in 105 countries. eWMS 2020 united 88 top gurus from corporate, academia and public sector while reaching more than ten million learners from 100 countries. Founded by the Father of Modern Marketing, Prof. Philip Kotler, The World Marketing Summit (WMS) Group is an inclusive platform of developing and developed countries to solve the world’s critical challenges through the effective and efficient lens of marketing. WMS has convened in more than 25 countries including Japan, Malaysia, Canada, United Kingdom, Italy, Turkey, India, Bangladesh, Bahrain, Myanmar, Chile, Bolivia, Pakistan, Philippines, South Korea. WMS is a global phenomenon attended by Prime Ministers, President of states, government ministers & delegates, top marketing and business leaders, global gurus and CEOs of fortune 500.
The electronic World Marketing Summit 2022 is uniting 150 imminent speakers from corporate, academia and public spheres. The summit will convene on November 6 & 7, 2022 and will be broadcasted in 105+ countries, non-stop for 48 hours while targeting more than 100 million learners worldwide. The theme for this year’s electronic World Marketing summit is “Marketing Changes to Meet Sustainability Goals”.