
Marketing Changes
to Meet Sustainability
Welcome to
The Electronic World Marketing Summit 2022
Learn from 101+ world-class leaders on November 06 & 07th, 2022. In today's critical times, businesses need inspiration, guidance and leadership to proceed into the future. Our 101+ speakers are leaders in business, marketing, digital and social media, branding, and all related areas. The e-World Marketing Summit, brainchild of father of marketing Professor Dr. Philip Kotler, unite innovative minds from the corporate, public, non-profit and academia spheres to explore ways to integrate marketing solutions to meet sustainability goals.
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Claudio Flores Thomas
CEO, Altazor Intelligence

Jorge Ruiz Escamilla
Director of Botmaker México and founding partner at ISDI México

Pepe Becker
Co Founder, Partner and CCO BeSo by LLYC

Adriana Arismendi
Corporate Vicepresident of Marketing and Digital Sales - Bancolombia

Gabriel Richau
General Director, IAB México

Iván Trujillo
Institutional Relationships and Communications Manager, Grupo Argos

Eduardo Durón
Founder at Big, Innovation & Marketing Engineering

Nicolás Ortega
Head of Marketing, Platzi

Ulrick Noel
Executive Director at Entrepreneurship Institute at Tec de Monterrey

Ennio Castillo Doppler
Partners and Integrations Manager en Doppler

Eduardo Peniche
Commercial Director, Dish Media

Juan David Ramírez C.
Corporate Communications Manager, Postobón

Josu Garritz Alcalá
Director of the School of Communications, Universidad Anáhuac México

Gisela Sánchez
Chief Strategy & Marketing Officer BAC

Germán Pérez-Duarte
Vicepresidente for Latin America, Nielsen

Daniel Suárez
Director of Public Affairs, Communicaions and Sustainability, Coca Cola Company

Julieta Loaiza
VP of Marketing, Communications and Corporate Affairs, Nestlé México

Susana Oliva
Founder and CEO, BigFoot

Iván Marchant
VP at Comscore for México, Perú, Colombia and Central America

Leonardo Rivera
VP Custumer Experience Kantar Mexico

Johnattan F. Bilancieri
SVP Digital Strategy

Jack Ades Cohen
General Manager Capital Digital

Pablo Fernández
Kotler Impact

Luis Herrera Rojas
Co-founder and CEO Thrust Co

Gisela Sánchez
Regional Director of Strategy and Corporate Affairs - BAC

Camila Escobar Corredor
President, Juan Valdez

Jonatan Loidi
CEO Set Consulting