David Aaker

What are subcategories in business and why are they so important? How can companies use social media platforms to enhance the reach of their business? How can companies develop a good lasting relationship with their clients?
David emphasizes on the importance of formulating and owning a subcategory that will change the game, a kind of category where the customer insists on buying. He talks about changing the way people consider buying products. Sharing his experience of years, he talks about why innovation, subcategories and brands are the key to growth. He highlights the significance of factors such as accessibility, simplicity and convenience, that will help attract and retain customers. To expand and scale rapidly, he suggests that a company must utilize social media.

Amor Maclang

What is marketing by technology? How do nation technologies redefine the marketplace? How do industries create their shapes? What are the two types of marketing companies? What are the trends that are disturbing the industry marketing? What has replaced industry marketing? What, besides echo chambers and self-serving echo chambers, has replaced industry marketing?
Amor Maclang shares her experiences with marketing. She talks about the new trends that can be taken in improving the basis of the industry. Amor talks about the new startups and what difficulties they would be facing. She also talks about the importance of technology in marketing and how technology is helping in solving the problems.

H.E. Sheikh Hasina

What does the future of Bangladesh look like? How has Bangladesh responded to the impacts of COVID-19 on economy and livelihood? What lessons can other developing countries learn from the growth and success of Bangladesh?
Sheikh Hasina, the Honorable Prime Minister of Republic of Bangladesh addressed the participants about the remarkable growth of Bangladesh and how despite the challenges of COVID-19, the country took measures to sustain its economic growth. Talking about the new normal, she shed light on how the pandemic has not only challenged the economic system globally but also the health system. She remarked on the valuable contribution of the WMS in preparing the world for tomorrow.

Maher Mezher

What is the new normal causing uncertainty? Why is the lack of decisions making people afraid? How energy and creativity can shape the future? How has a crisis shaped the new human of today? How can a methodology shape an ordinary person into an innovator?
Maher Mezher shared in his speech that by looking at the bigger picture and the long-term goals one needs to have patience and a good methodology to innovate and think. He sheds light how new ideas and beliefs should be welcomed and rewarded as ideas are the future of tomorrow.

H.E. Joko Widodo

What are the problems faced by the world due to pandemic? How to overcome these challenges? What are the new strategies for more jobs? What are the new opportunities?
H.K. Joko Widodo discussed the new challenges the world is facing now and how we can overcome these problems with new solutions and strategies. He also said that 2022 is full of new opportunities so we should work hard for them.

Zulkifli Zaini

What is the future of green energy in Indonesia? What are the future energy plans of Indonesia? What innovations are taking place in the energy sector of the country? How digitalization in Indonesia is making things easier?
Zulkifi Zaini in his talk shares his vast experience of banking and industry and talks about the energy plans of his country. He explains the steps that have been taken to make sure that everyone in the country has access to energy. He shares his vision of green energy and how digital marketing is making things easier for the consumers in Indonesia.

H.E. Dr. Arif Alvi

How did Pakistan manage to handle the COVID situation, inflation, smart lockdown and economic collapse? What were the COVID aspects that benefited or harmed Pakistan in different sectors like health, education, tourism, trade and economy? How is Pakistan becoming business friendly post COVID?
President of Pakistan Mr Arif Alvi in his speech talks about how tremendously Pakistan has handled the pandemic. He focuses on how the education system modified itself in the form of virtual education. How improved systems were established in awareness in the health sector and increased internal tourism of Pakistan and also trade. He briefs how there are great possibilities in Pakistan for people to invest in being a peaceful and potential country.

Dr. Jose Paulo Santos

What is the role of neuroscience combined with artificial intelligence in understanding consumer behavior in marketing? How FmRI and E.G electroencephalogram can be used to stimulate the subject’s brain? How the combining method of neuroscience and AI can help counter consumption issues?
Santos highlights that neuroscience and artificial intelligence methods can assist in understanding the consumer’s mindset in the marketing domain. This approach provides access to the process of decision making other than the observable behavior of customers. He suggests that the method of FmRI and E.G electroencephalogram presents the visual stimulation of how consumer’s brains react to the pictorial images of brand logos. Emotions of consumers play a key role in marketing, so the images help in getting to know the preferences and demands associated with brands. He states that the benefit of understanding consumer’s mindset also includes having an access to consumer’s consumption problems in marketing analysis. So, marketing strategies infused with neuroscience and AI can regulate risky practices and generate solutions.

H. E. Leni Robredo

How do we navigate through this unprecedented time? What will the business and marketing landscape look like in a post-COVID-19 world? What can we do to help build the next new normal one that is better, more sustainable and more humane?
H. E. Leni speaks about the unforeseen challenges that COVID-19 has presented to the world, and how these challenges have become an obstacle for the global economy. She expresses that there is no certainty about what the world will be like once the pandemic crisis is over. Leni highlights that impacts of pandemic have been widespread since the world has become very interconnected. The pandemic has impacted not only the economy, but also the lives of individuals as they are faced with many challenges in daily life.

Sandra Sotillo

How the incorporation of trust management can cater new demands? How should citizens trust the companies? Why is it important to incorporate the importance of customers and stakeholders to do business? How trust generates positive recommendations?
Sotelo highlights that when you learn about marketing and communication, trust comes first. So companies that lack the relationship of trust with their consumers and stakeholders lose the capability of competitive advantage. Since the pandemic, investors are urging companies to manage and sustain the relationship of trust and certainty with consumers. He advocates that few companies are not embracing and adapting the change responsible for effective management and clientele building. Trust building helps in making better decisions and establishing long lasting relations. This also helps in contributing to the planet and society.