What will happen after the Pandemic? How will we adapt to the trends? If these trends appeared sooner than expected, what are the other plans waiting for us? What are exemplar brands? Is the implementation of these trends considered a win-win situation?
In this speech, David Aaker sheds the light on the 5 trends that are accelerated by the Pandemic and the takeaways of each one through concrete examples. It analyses as well each of these trends and their importance in the community.
How has the pandemic being the toughest time has brought resilience and solidarity? How has the pandemic impacted tourism, agriculture and biodiversity? What are the prerequisites of the recovery process? What are the new trends in the tourism industry?
Ozkan highlights that the pandemic has changed the world in many aspects. The tourism industry has received the biggest blow alongside many other businesses. Pandemic paralyzed people’s mobility which is why the safety building of hygiene, precautions and coordination can bring many solutions to the problem. She emphasizes that the revival of the tourism industry is interlinked with the containment of the virus to boost the confidence of visitors. Ozgul further suggests that other than ensuring safety and security, communication and infrastructure management also holds great importance. To cater to this requirement, amalgamation of culture, technology, diplomatic relations, cooperation and community engagement will serve as an anchor and ramp to boost the industry.
What is innovation? How can management be called marketing? Why is marketing more than human management? How major innovations have benefited mankind?
Kozo Takoka in his talks explains the definition of innovation by sharing his vast experience of working as an innovation expert. He explains what is innovation and marketing and talks about the future trends of marketing and relates them to the innovations of the past.