We have cut out the state of the summit, which is one of the largest marketing events in Japan, and summarized it compactly. Information from top marketers from all over the world is condensed. You can also see some of the materials on the day.


Welcome party
(speaker & sponsor)

Introductory video


Opening Remarks

~ Theme 1. Winning with Innovation and Entrepreneurship~

~ Theme 2. Exploiting the Digital Marketing Revolution ~

~ Theme 3. Launching Successful New Products and Services in Digitally Connected World ~

~ Theme 4. Diversity in Marketing ~

~ Interactive Session with Philip Kotler: “Confronting Capitalism” ~

Day 02:
~ Theme 5. Comparing Competing Growth Strategies in Emerging Markets ~

~ Theme 6. Moving to Corporate Social Responsibility as the Next Stage for Company Success ~

~ Theme 7. New Developments in Marketing Management ~

~ Theme 8. Strategies for Competing Effectively in 2015-2020 ~

~ Interactive Session with Don Schultz: “Marketing Model in the 21st Century” ~

~ Interactive Session with Philip Kotler, Raj Sisodia, Ira Kaufman: “From 4Ps to 4C/4Ws” ~

~ Others ~

WMSJ 2015 Speaker List


Philip Kotler

Philip Kotler Professor, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University

Father of modern marketing

Don Schultz

Don E.Schultz Professor Emeritus of IMC, Northwestern University

Global authority on integrated marketing communications theory

Kozo Takaoka

Kohzoh Takaoka

Nestlé Japan Co., Ltd. President and CEO

Tadahiro Yoshida

Tadahiro Yoshida

Tadahiro Yoshida Chairman and CEO of YKK Corporation

Manabu Miyasaka

President and CEO of Yahoo Japan Corporation

Shoichiro Iwata

President and CEO of ASKUL Corporation

Fulvio Guarneri

Unilever Japan President & CEO Marketing guru

Paul Yonamine

IBM Japan Headquarters, President and CEO

Kaori Sasaki

President of E-Woman, Inc.

Karim Tem Samani

President of Asia Pacific Region, Google Inc.

Tatsuro Kurisaka

SoftBank Corp. Executive Officer General Manager of Advertising Headquarters

Glen Urban

Professor Emeritus, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Sloan Management School Innovation guru

Howard Turman

1871 Company (Chicago) CEO entrepreneur

Hermawan Kartajaya

Mark Plus? Founder and CEO Advocate of Marketing 3.0

Herman Simon

Founder & Representative of Simon-Kucher & Partners Leader in marketing strategy

Melanie Corey

Nestlé Japan Co., Ltd. Executive Officer, General Manager of Corporate Affairs Division

Milton Kotler

Kotler Marketing Group? Founder and Chairman

Mohan Thorny

Mohan Sawhney
Professor, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University Leader in digital marketing

Linden Brown

MarketCulture Strategies 会長兼Chief Value Officer Leader in consumer culture analysis

Robert Wolcott

Rob Wolcott
Kellogg Innovation Network (KIN) Co-founder / Standing Director Entrepreneurial and innovation leader

Root of the Dragon

Tatsuyuki Negoro Waseda University Business School Director / Professor

Islay Kaufman

Ira Kaufman President of Entwine Digital Leader in social media & digital marketing

Andy Zolzners

Andy Zoltners Professor Emeritus, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University Leader in sales force management strategy

Walter Vieira

Walter Vieira
Indian consultant
Indian marketing consultant giant

Thomas Kuzmarski

Thomas D. Kuczmarski Kuzmarski Innovation Founder and CEO Innovation expert

Martha Rogers

Martha Rogers Founder of Peppers & Rogers Group Relationship Marketing (CRM) Leader

Raju Sisodia

Raj Sisodia Co-Founder & Co-Director of Conscious Capitalism Inc. Leader of Conscious Capitalism

Fujiyo Ishiguro

Fujiyo Ishiguro Netyear Group Corporation President and CEO

Klaus Salminen

Klaus Salminen
Electrolux Senior Online Marketing Executive

Marin van Thieren

Marijn Van Tiggelen
Unilever Asia Pacific Representative


Keimitsu Kaji

Yoshimitsu Kaji
Accenture Co., Ltd. Chief Marketing Innovator

Takatsu Takashi

Naoshi Takatsu
IMD? Northeast Asia Representative

Mark Oliver Opresnik

Marc Oliver Opresnik
Professor, University of Lübeck (Germany)

Michael Wade

Michael Wade
Professor at IMD

SS Anderive

Saad Andaleeb
Vice President of BRAC University (Bangladesh)

Akie Iriyama

Akie Iriyama
Waseda University Business School Associate Professor

World Marketing Summit Japan 2015 Program

Based on the philosophy of “Toward a better world through marketing,” a total of 30 speakers, including leading marketing leaders from around the world, leading Japanese managers and marketing scholars, utilize marketing to promote social and economic development. Discuss about. Continuing from last year, it will be held again in Tokyo.
Day 1
Theme 1. Innovation and Entrepreneurship “Creation of Innovative Corporate Culture” Kozo Takaoka (President and CEO of Nestle Japan Co., Ltd.) “Suggestions from Changes in Competition in the Game Industry” Tatsuyuki Negoro (Director / Professor, Waseda University Business School) “Technology Convergence and NOW Economy” Robert Walcott (Co-founder and Permanent Director of Kellog Innovation Network “KIN”) “New Technology and Social Media Trends in Marketing” Howard Tulman (1871 CEO) Moderator Kei Kaji Hikari (Chief Marketing Innovator, Accenture Co., Ltd.)
Theme 2. Challenge to Digital Marketing “Challenge to Digital Marketing by Digital Marketing Companies” Manabu Miyasaka (President, Yahoo Japan Corporation) “EC Innovation for Big Data Utilization and Customer Value Creation” Shoichiro Iwata (Representative Director, Askul Co. , Ltd.) President and CEO) “Always marketing-oriented in the digital age” Mohan Thorny (Professor, Kellogg School of Business, Northwestern University) “Challenge to new digital marketing with emotions” Tatsuro Kurisaka (Executive Officer, General Manager of Advertising and Advertising Division, Softbank Mobile Co. , Ltd.) ) Moderator Akiei Iriyama (Associate Professor, Waseda University Business School)
Theme 3. Introduction of new products and services in the IoT era “IoT + Marketing” Paul Yonamine (President and CEO, Japan IBM Co., Ltd.) “Innovation Explosion: How is the Chicago Innovation Award High-Tech / Low-Tech?” / Did you accelerate no-tech innovation? ” Thomas Kuzmarski (Founder and CEO of Kuzmarski Innovation) “ Innovation Strategy and Sales Forecast of Innovative New Products ” Glen Urban (Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Sloan Management School Honor Professor) “Digital Moments and Micromoments in the Asian Market” Karim Tem Samani (President of Asia Pacific, Google Inc.) Moderator Michael Wade (Professor of IMD)
Theme 4. Marketing and Diversity “Effective Marketing Practices in Uniriva’s Diverse Markets” Fulvio Guarneri (Uniriver Japan President & CEO) “Effectiveness of Marketing Diversity in Emerging Markets” SS Underleave (BRAC University “Bangladesh” Vice President ) “Diversity Marketing” Kaori Sasaki (President and CEO of E-Woman Co., Ltd.) “Market Diversification and Omni-Channel Strategy” Fujiyo Ishiguro (President and CEO of Netyear Group Corporation) Moderator Yoshimitsu Kaji (Accenture Co., Ltd.) Company Chief Marketing Innovator)
Philip Kotler Business Program Announcement Mark Oliver Opresnik (Professor, University of Lübeck << Germany >>)
DAY 1 interactive session
Interactive Session with Professor Philip Kotler: “There is Hope in Capitalism” Philip Kotler (Professor, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University)


Theme 5. Growth Strategy in Emerging Markets “China’s Challenges and Prospects for Economic Recovery” Milton Kotler (Founder and Chairman of Kotler Marketing Group) “Why Prime Minister Modi’s India is a Great Opportunity for Japanese Companies” Walter Kotler Vieira (Indian consultant) “The secret of Indonesia’s growth trajectory: WOW way of thinking” Hermanwan Kartajaya (Founder and CEO of Mark Plus) “Unilever’s new business objectives” Marc Oliver Thieren ( Representative of Unilever Asia Pacific) Moderator Mark Oliver Opresnik (Professor, University of Lubec << Germany >>)
Theme 6. Marketing that creates social value “To continue to demonstrate leadership in two main businesses” 𠮷 Tadahiro Tadahiro (CEO, YKK Co., Ltd.) “Beyond the framework of CSR, to a world where business and society coexist Raju Sisodia (Co-Founder & Co-Director) ” World-Class Digital Marketing … The Road to a Digitally Integrated Organization” Islay Kaufmann (President of Entwine Digital) “Society and Nestle, Creating Common Value and Our Commitment ” Melanie Corey (Executive Officer, Corporate Affairs General Manager, Nestle Co., Ltd.) Moderator SS Andaryve (Vice Chairman, BRAC University (Bangladesh))
Theme 7. New Era of Marketing Management “New Scientific Sales Management” Andy Zolzners (Professor Emeritus, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University) “New Concepts for Acquiring Customer Loyalty and Customer Advocacy” Linden Brown (Chairman and Chairman of MarketCulture Strategies) Chief Value Officer) “Marketing 3.0-From Boring to Pinball-Social Media Marketing in the Form of Content Marketing as a Lever to Improve Customer Relationships and Brand Loyalty” Mark Oliver Opresnik (Lubec University << Germany 》 Professor) “Digital Transition of Marketing” Klaus Salminen (Electrolux Senior Online Marketing Executive) “Reliability? Suddenly Essential” Martha Rogers (Peppers & Rogers Group Founder) Moderator Robert Walcott (Kellogg ) Co-founder / Standing Director of Innovation Network "KIN")
Theme 8. What to do for 2020 “The Path of Marketing and Capitalism” Philip Kotler (Professor, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University) “Hidden Champion; Leading Global Company” Hermann Simon (Simon Kucher) & Partners Founder & Representative) “Integration of Synergy between Traditional Media and Digital Media to Improve Market Share” Don Schultz (Professor Emeritus, IMC, Northwestern University) “Value Creation in the IoT Era” Kozo Takaoka (Representative Director, Nestle Japan Co. , Ltd.) President and CEO) Moderator Takatsu Takashi (IMD Northwest Asia Representative)
Philip Kotler Business Program Announcement Mark Oliver Opresnik (Professor, University of Lübeck << Germany >>)
DAY 2 interactive session
Interactive Session with Professor Don Schultz: “21st Century Marketing Model” Don Schultz (Professor Emeritus, IMC, Northwestern University)
Interactive Session with Professor Philip Kotler, Professor Raju Sisodia, Professor Islay Kaufman: “From 4P to 4C / 4W” Philip Kotler (Professor, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University) Raju Sisodia (Conscious Capitalism Inc. Co-founder & Co-Director) Islay Kaufman (President of Entwine Digital)