Trust is a keyword in marketing, sales, in relations because if you have no trust, you have nothing, no customers, you have no deals, you have no projects, you have no contracts, you have no money, and even you don’t have love. Thus, creating such a reputation that has others’ confidence in it is essential for success.
Country: Russia
Dr. Igor Mann
Why should customers be called Customers? Is “customers are always good for the company” a myth or reality? Can companies change the focus of customers? How can an apology save a company reputation?
Mann highlights that companies should have customer centric focus which is why referring to customers as “Customer”, with a capital C, conveys the idea that they are highly respected and prioritized. He further elaborates that customers are not always good for the company which is why brainstorming with the team to decide which customer is bad for business is a crucial activity. Companies can easily change the focus of consumers to bring attention towards a certain idea or concept but for this empowering the employees to create an environment best suited to them is also important. He advocates that if an employee or company makes any mistake, an apology should always be made to keep the consumer and build the company’s profile. Consumers should be given the true impression that the whole team supports and respects them.