What is the new normal in leadership styles? How can a leader become impactful and adaptive in ever changing circumstances? What is the difference between a leader brand and a leadership brand? Why is courage of a leader and leadership at minimal, moderate or brave level important to discuss?
Rizvi emphasizes that reality is ever changing which is why the leadership is also required to be acclimatized actively. He suggests that a leader should be a brand, established and known for his/her development, agility and present mindedness. In order to acquire good leadership skills, one needs to become an improved listener in order to build influential relationships with individuals. He highlights that leaders can only empower individuals when they are empowered and inspired themselves. When leadership is empowered, it delivers what is expected by the possible stakeholders, thus strengthening the brand name of the leader for individuals to follow. He further elaborates that trustworthiness and reliability of a leader is responsible for encouraging the shared vision of corporate and organizational culture.
Tags: #Culture Management
Stefania Pertusi
What is diversity and inclusion? How Tetra Pak interprets diversity and inclusion? Why is it important to talk about diversity and inclusion and how important they are for an organization?
Stefania Pertusi in her speech talks about the importance of diversity and inclusion and how her organization incorporates that. She explains that it is a matter of conscious marketing and it is a matter of interest of public opinion and what are its implications on the overall performance of the organization and how the organizations are benefitting by adopting this approach.
Prof. Aung Tun Thet
What should be the future of society? Why must diversity and inclusion be valued for a peaceful and just future of society? In what ways can society move towards inclusion?
Prof. Aung Tun while talking about successful organization suggested that there is a need to change and respond to the marketplace, changing innovation, changing product and services, technology and people. Secondly there is a need to be able to anticipate change in the buying power, the consumer trends and the consumer preferences. Moreover, he talked about successful organizations which mean that there is a need to attract the best tenants. Other parts of his speech focused on diversity and inclusion.