Howard Tullman

How new technologies will continue to change the way we work and the way we live? What is going to be the role of technology in the post pandemic era? What are going to be the changes in the way of doing business in the time of COVID-19? What are the main drivers of change? What should be the strategy of the businesses in dealing with the new changes?
Howard Tullman in his talk shares his idea of the changes that are taking place and will accelerate in the future. He talks about how technology is and will keep on transforming our businesses and lives, and how companies are incorporating technology into their business and making sure to accelerate their growth in the time of COVID. He explains that how businesses will have to think about the buying needs and demands of the consumers and make strategies using technology and digital marketing.

Kayoko Tsuchiya

Why is it important to have cultural and technological innovation in the same sphere? Why should we focus on preserving our culture? What is the role of technology in the preservation of culture?
Kayoko Tsuchiya who is a cross border value creation strategist talks about the importance of preserving the culture and how it can lead to economic benefits to the country. Explains how Artificial Intelligence can act as a dominant force in preserving and restoring the cultural D.N.A.