WMS Group announces US$ 100 million “Sustainable Leadership Program” for students worldwide
Toronto, 01 January 2022 – The World Marketing Summit announced a US$ 100 million “Sustainable Leadership Program ” as part of its paradigm to create a better world through marketing.
The unique program will allow students worldwide to join the electronic World Marketing Summit 2022 at “no cost”. To develop sustainable leadership skills & learn modern marketing practices, the initiative will offer 1 million students from every participating country to attend eWMS’22.
“Millions of students around the globe will benefit from the opportunity to listen from the top-notch marketing gurus including Prof. Kotler, widely known as Father of Modern Marketing” said Kotler Impact CEO Sadia Kibria. “Students are the leaders for tomorrow – championing the new marketing practices, the students can contribute in creating a better and sustainable world for our future generations”
The electronic World Marketing Summit 2022 is uniting 150 imminent speakers from corporate, academia and government spheres. The summit will convene on November 6, 2022 and will be broadcasted in 105+ countries non-stop for 48 hours. The theme for this year electronic World Marketing summit is “New Marketing to meet Sustainability Goals”.
A letter
From our CEO
Vestibulum commodo sapien non elit porttitor, vitae volutpat nibh mollis. Nulla porta risus id neque tempor, in efficitur justo imperdiet. Etiam a ex at ante tincidunt imperdiet. Nunc congue ex vel nisl viverra, sit amet aliquet lectus ullamcorper. Praesent luctus lacus non lorem elementum, eu tristique sapien suscipit. Sed bibendum, ipsum nec viverra malesuada, erat nisi sodales purus, eget hendrerit dui ligula eu enim. Ut non est nisi. Pellentesque tristique pretium dolor eu commodo. Proin iaculis nibh vitae lectus mollis bibendum. Quisque varius eget urna sit amet luctus. Suspendisse potenti. Curabitur ac placerat est, sit amet sodales risus. Pellentesque viverra dui auctor, ullamcorper turpis pharetra, facilisis quam.