Ibrahim Hegazy

What is going to be the future of the market in the Post pandemic? How COVID has changed marketing techniques in Egypt? How has digitalization improved marketing? What is the power of social media influencers in the new marketing world? Why is it important to talk about customer experience and to address the issues in the buying of products and services?
Ibrahim Hegazy who is a marketing professor and a former member of Egypt’s parliament talks about the prospects and challenges of marketing in the post pandemic in Egypt. He explains the new marketing trends that have emerged and the ways to improve customer experience and satisfaction. The importance of having good marketing graduates so they can come up with improved strategies to handle the marketing needs of today’s world.

Dominique M. Hanssens

Is the growth of the business driven by the tactics of marketing? Does marketing have a part in maintaining the sustained growth of the business? How to ensure that growth of a business is evident? What are the relevant metrics of the business performance to consider? What should be the aspects of the marketing which have a direct role on the growth potential of the business?
Dominique’s, being a professor of marketing at UCLA highlights important aspects on the marketing for growth of a business. He sheds light on the marketing of growth since he believes that during the pandemic certain tactics of marketing were shaped and redefined because of some uncertain conditions of the business.

Dr. Saad Andaleeb

How capitalism and globalization has impacted the business globally? What changes and betterment the capitalism promised initially and what it delivered today? What was the impact of the World Trade organization in the business sector? How did injustice prevail today because of the negligence of the rich? What are the customers looking for in the products and companies they opt for? How globalization and digitalization is evolving the modern-day consumer? What is the connection of injustice with the marketing sector? How is it justified? What is the notion behind the fair tree idea of retributive justice? How brand activism or social activism can be the answer or solution to injustice?
Saad Andaleeb in his speech talks about the injustice of the marketing sector and how the injustice is prevailing in the world without any outcome. He further explains that having a purpose which serves the environment, its common people is very important. Only in that way could the injustice be eliminated.

Amir Paracha

Why is there a need to reimagine models of marketing to capture future goals, get on the front line to grow that on the front line of society? What forces in this age demand a new paradigm for business? When the main focus of consumers is turning to human relationships and betterment, what should be the new market philosophy?
Amir Paracha talks about the changes that brands have to adopt in order to stay in the market. For example, one of the biggest and most prominent examples of change of behavior of customers towards a brand is that they expect the brands to have a say and narrative about societal issues. He suggests that brands need to be led by some purpose in order to make an impact on the society and environment.

Cai Kehui

After COVID-19 how has rural travelling changed? How to survive this conflict and create new value at the center of a reconstructed new world? How should the partners handle the shock and help empower rural development in the times of pandemic? What are the effects of a pandemic on the travel industry?
Cai emphasizes on the changes that his company and globally have experienced due to the spread of Coronavirus globally. He shares his experience that companies have faced many losses and it was expected as the economy globally has been facing a sharp decline. Furthermore, he argued that people need to accept change and move towards transformation.

Roy Zhou

How to empower businesses through intelligent marketing? How COVID has challenged the growth of enterprises? Why do good marketing campaigns have good results?
Joel highlights that digital transformation of brands empower them and improve their marketing globally which eventually leads to the growth of enterprises. Technology, data science and artificial intelligence help in designing the intelligent marketing to focus on brand and business building. But, Joel emphasizes, that approach and models needs to be more customer centric that business or profit centric. Data science can build new foundations for data gathering and understanding mindsets. He suggest that intelligent marketing help brands to become more integrated to give consumers pleasant experience. If the marketing campaign is designed thoroughly it will bring out the best results.

Elia Guardiola

What is storytelling and what connection does it have with our brain? What are the tips one needs to know before creating their own storytelling? Why does one need to put a lot of focus in building their storytelling brand? How to transform or inspire your customers from storytelling?
Elia Guardiola, a professional storyteller focused in her speech on important points that one needs to learn to become a storyteller. Her speech had motivating energy for those who wanted to opt this profession in the future, as she shared many tips on how to become a storyteller and the significance of sharing stories. She talks about creating an inspiring storytelling brand that also prioritizes keeping good relationships with the audience and the customers.

Professor Franco F. Orsucci

Has the COVID-19 brought new opportunities and potential for innovation? What are Corona containment networks? What are certain detrimental effects of pandemic?
Professor Franco suggests that from an anthropological point of view we have been going through this new zoom revolution since the pandemic has become a new reality of the world. He highlights a new dimension of coronavirus that is the root of spreading COVID-19, which is related to network theory. Talking about how the present world has been shaped, Professor Franco shares his opinion about how the society is now moving towards leaner and kind of organizations because it needs to get more flexible and adaptable to the challenges related to innovation.

Dr. Igor Mann

Why should customers be called Customers? Is “customers are always good for the company” a myth or reality? Can companies change the focus of customers? How can an apology save a company reputation?
Mann highlights that companies should have customer centric focus which is why referring to customers as “Customer”, with a capital C, conveys the idea that they are highly respected and prioritized. He further elaborates that customers are not always good for the company which is why brainstorming with the team to decide which customer is bad for business is a crucial activity. Companies can easily change the focus of consumers to bring attention towards a certain idea or concept but for this empowering the employees to create an environment best suited to them is also important. He advocates that if an employee or company makes any mistake, an apology should always be made to keep the consumer and build the company’s profile. Consumers should be given the true impression that the whole team supports and respects them.

Hermawan Kartajaya

What is the importance of pandemic transformation to reach cooperation? How is social power more powerful than political power? How do corporate communicators and lobbyists support the organization? Why are values and norms important in marketing and customer management?
Kartajaya highlights the importance of values and norms within the organizations in the post pandemic world. He suggests that global crises can be managed and transformed through Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s 3Rs; relief, recovery and revolve as the social system is more commanding and influential. Being a co-founder of world marketing for room W. M. F., Kartajaya emphasizes that lobbying provides and supports companies, countries and institutions ultimately supporting the post pandemic marketing, policy making, cooperation and multi-dimensional technology. He emphasizes that the balance between social and political power is absolutely necessary, so government, economic players and social influencers, such as NGOs, hold an immense importance in formulating the policies.