Professor Franco F. Orsucci

Has the COVID-19 brought new opportunities and potential for innovation? What are Corona containment networks? What are certain detrimental effects of pandemic?
Professor Franco suggests that from an anthropological point of view we have been going through this new zoom revolution since the pandemic has become a new reality of the world. He highlights a new dimension of coronavirus that is the root of spreading COVID-19, which is related to network theory. Talking about how the present world has been shaped, Professor Franco shares his opinion about how the society is now moving towards leaner and kind of organizations because it needs to get more flexible and adaptable to the challenges related to innovation.

Dr. Igor Mann

Why should customers be called Customers? Is “customers are always good for the company” a myth or reality? Can companies change the focus of customers? How can an apology save a company reputation?
Mann highlights that companies should have customer centric focus which is why referring to customers as “Customer”, with a capital C, conveys the idea that they are highly respected and prioritized. He further elaborates that customers are not always good for the company which is why brainstorming with the team to decide which customer is bad for business is a crucial activity. Companies can easily change the focus of consumers to bring attention towards a certain idea or concept but for this empowering the employees to create an environment best suited to them is also important. He advocates that if an employee or company makes any mistake, an apology should always be made to keep the consumer and build the company’s profile. Consumers should be given the true impression that the whole team supports and respects them.

Hermawan Kartajaya

What is the importance of pandemic transformation to reach cooperation? How is social power more powerful than political power? How do corporate communicators and lobbyists support the organization? Why are values and norms important in marketing and customer management?
Kartajaya highlights the importance of values and norms within the organizations in the post pandemic world. He suggests that global crises can be managed and transformed through Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s 3Rs; relief, recovery and revolve as the social system is more commanding and influential. Being a co-founder of world marketing for room W. M. F., Kartajaya emphasizes that lobbying provides and supports companies, countries and institutions ultimately supporting the post pandemic marketing, policy making, cooperation and multi-dimensional technology. He emphasizes that the balance between social and political power is absolutely necessary, so government, economic players and social influencers, such as NGOs, hold an immense importance in formulating the policies.

Ahmad Tolba

What are the important strategies for a startup business? How can we improve the rate of entrepreneurial success? Why the failing ratio of startups are very low? How can we improve the rate of success among the investors? What is the correlation between entrepreneurial traits and startup success?
Ahmed Tolba in his talk shares his vast expensive of entrepreneurship and business development and discusses in detail the factors behind the failure of startup business. He draws a correlation between entrepreneurial traits and the startup success and talks about the role of marketing strategies in the success of the business. He explains the traits that should be there in an entrepreneur and what factors should be considered while selecting the entrepreneurial team.

Prof. Velimir Srica

Can strategic behavior in business be employed in future? How has the pandemic changed business models? Why have companies adopted agile marketing strategies but have not been able to change the environment? How empathy can help business leaders to have better clientele?
Velimir highlights that in the pandemic world strategic behavior in marketing is highly required. Small businesses are the most agile which is why their decision making process and implementation also never takes long. But, he argues, that businesses have been able to adapt to new trends and strategies but the environment in those companies is still the same. Small businesses are the supplest which is why adapting and embracing change needs to be the biggest part of their business model. He further adds that COVID is not going to vanish anytime soon which is why permanent strategies in terms of empowering business, employees and customers are needed. For small business survival, companies need to be empathetic towards the clientele.

Dr. Khalid Hasan

Why recruiters, advertisers and marketers are portraying aging as a concern? How employing people, irrespective of their age, can deal with staff shortages? Why population above 65 is facing financial and psychological constraints? What can be the role of human resource companies to accommodate older employees?
Hassan states that medical science has become advanced which has resulted in increased human life expectancy. The concern is that expectancy has increased but the retirement age has not which put many senior citizens under financial pressures. He accentuates that many business models are promoting biased and discriminatory mindset against the process of ageing in order to turn their business a success. He highlights that the process of ageing is being portrayed in brand marketing as objectionable to promote anti-ageing products, especially by brain washing female consumers. Giving occupation to experienced people, regardless of age group, can bring more productivity, professionalism and intergenerational teamwork at workplaces. He further advocates that human resource agencies can help in countering the discrimination against senior individuals also uplifting their livelihood by giving finance based opportunities.

Prof. Kitchen Philip

What is the role of technology in teaching? Can technology replicate human connectivity? How is learning affected due to pandemic and distance learning methods? Are teachers and academia taking their tasks seriously?
Philip highlights that the changing realities of the world due to pandemic has left a mark in academic life as well, be it teachers or students. Introduction of new technology models, classrooms have shifted from projectors to other learning modalities. He emphasizes on knowing the extent of knowledge and learning gained through these new models. If students and academia are gaining the same experience of learning as they were when human connectivity was there. Currently, visual geographic location and space have replaced physical learning and teaching experience. He advocates that business school students need hands-on learning of institutions and modalities and if continuous digital based practices will shape the future rightly.

Laura Ries

• What are the principles of positioning to succeed in the 21st century? • Why most successful companies of the last century are not doing well today? • How to create winning brands in this new scenario?

Laura Ries will drive us into The Five positioning principles for companies who want to succeed in their markets of the 21st Century.

Dominique Turpin

What is the meaning of Digital Marketing? • How the digital marketing is related with the consumers? How media, platforms and technological devices can promote a product or a service? How does digital marketing can turn potential customers into regular ones? How COVID-19 has impacted this sector?

Easy access, easy search, availability of products with only one click: Prof. Dominique Turpin analyses the digital marketing and its relation with the consumers.

Mohammad Hathut

Why now all the countries are focusing on Nation Branding? What is the effect of Nation Branding on the economy?  How do the countries survive the COVID-19 with the branding?