Ibrahim A. Hegazy

• Which are the factors that have an impact on a Nation Brand? • What is the difference between Nation Branding and destination Branding? • Which are the changes to marketing strategies? • What countries should do during Covid-19 to create the perception of the nations? • Which are marketing recommendations?

Martha Rogers

How marketing can Benefit from Customers Experience and Trustability? What are the possible alternatives to go to market?

Martha Rogers will show us the importance of the role of customers to make successful businesses, the value of customer experience to improve their businesses and trustability.

Roberto Basso

• How is it possible for an individual to differentiate themselves from others by following a personal branding strategy? • What is the perfect image? • Why is personal branding important?

Roberto Basso explains what personal branding is and how an individual should act in order to create this brand.

Prof. Jonathan Deacon

• What is the component of creative leadership? • What businesses have done in the past 6 months and what they are doing now?

The speech of Prof. Jonathan Deacon analyses the new rules of business post Covid-19: Business as Unusual, Creativity, Creative Leadership, Passion and Purpose, Change, People, Tribes and Personas, Empathy, Hyper-individualization.

Osman Badran

• Why do products or services become more expensive if they have a brand? • Does an e-commerce online brand last longer than a brand that sells in stores? • Does consumer behavior change in normal times like in turbulent times? • How does the customer experience determine branding strategies?

Osman Badran highlights the needs of change branding during Pandemic and the importance of brand strategies for companies to ensure business continuity, despite the slowdown in markets.

Sandra Vandermerwe

• Has Covid-19 created new consumer needs? • What will be the profile of New Normal Customer after pandemic? • How to adapt to innovations that would become a new normal?

Sandra Vandermerwe analyses the effect of the customers’ needs after the pandemic hit the world in 2020. She explains the nature of the new needs and trends people are adopting post Covid-19.

Prof. Kam-Hon Lee

• What is the relation between Marketing and Religion? • How Religion leads us to do reflections and overcome struggle in the post-Covid era? • What is the spiritual and supernatural level of conscience? • How experiences from different faith make us learn from each other?

Prof. Waldemar Pfortch

What is Human 2 Human Marketing?  What is the role of marketing to meaningful innovations?  What are the evolutionary Steps of Digitalization and the Industry 4.0 Environment?

Professor Waldemar Pfoertsch focuses on redefining the role of the marketing by reorienting the mindset of decision-makers and integrating the concepts of Design Thinking, Service-Dominant Logic and digitalization.

Dominique M. Hanssens

What is the typical impact of marketing action? How about the impact of marketing assets are being created? How brand equity and the value of brand are related to business performance, revenue and profitability?

There is really only one way to answer these questions, is to take a look at Professor Dominique M. Hanssens’ talk.

Enan Galaly

• What is the importance of Marketing? • How to manage your ideas? • What is the effect of the pandemic on our future and our life?

Enan Galaly tells his own experience in marketing, giving ideas and tools how to develop to be self-confident, thinking, relations, in order to have a better future.