Prof. Aung Tun Thet

• What does Crisis mean in terms of Chinese world? • How we will face this crisis? • How do we navigate the VUCA World? • What is Crisis Leadership for Public Administration?

Prof. Aung talks about Crisis Management Impact on Public Administration. The topic is quite relevant especially for the pandemic that has affected the whole world. He focuses on 3 areas: Crisis management, the VUCA world, Crisis Leadership for Public Administrators

Nicoletta Luppi

• How to rethink and transform healthcare? • Which are the 10 biggest threats in 2020 for Health? • Is the Pandemic served as a widespread test to verify the effectiveness of digital solutions? • What is the important to invest in Prevention?

Nicoletta Luppi talks about the creation of shared value in healthcare, and how to make National Healthcare Systems resilient to current and future pandemics.

Prof. Jeff French

What is The Role of Marketing in Promoting COVID-19 Vaccination? Why some people are against vaccine?  What politicians are ready to do to promote vaccination? • Promotion of vaccine will give back to politics value from citizens?

Professor Jeff French will show the role of marketing in promoting COVID-19 vaccination and the strategies adequate to convince people of it.

Andres Ibanez

Starting from the experience of Chile and its economic boom in the last decade, Professor Andres Ibanez will tell us what people from Latin America needs today from big brands.

Uday Salunkhe

• How the new education policy of India is going to reinforce the dream for millions of students across the world? • Which opportunities the National Education of India 2020 provides for the global institution? • What is the India National Education Policy based on? • How to improve the quality of learning?

Uday Salunkhe explores the tradition, legacy and current landscape in Indian education, opportunities for global institutions, universities, professors, researchers, students and companies in India as a result of National Education Policy 2020 by Ministry of Education, Government of India.