Michael Jacobdies

How competition is changing and what sort of competitions will emerge in the future? What are the changing dynamics of competition and innovation? How freeform competition will impact the future? How organizations should prepare for the future?
Michael G. Jacabdies in his presentation compares the marketing and business competitions of the past and strategies of the famous corporations at that time. He talks about the changing dynamics of competition and innovation and how the competition has evolved over the years. He explains about freeform competition and what should be the key elements of the preparation strategy of the organization for future competition.

Gabriele Carboni

What obstacles for the entrepreneurs and managers of today’s world face when moving on a path of innovation? What is the new digital strategy that can help entrepreneurs to climb the ladder of innovation? What is the importance of a visual planner? What should you know before creating content for your digital plan? Why has digital communication become so important for an organization to grow?
Gabriele Carboni shares his experience and insight that has led to a static growth among the entrepreneurs. He talks about digital marketing where everything is measurable and thus the importance of formulating strategies of success. He suggests investing more time in your business if you plan to climb to success and consider that time as a kind of corporate trip. Carboni urges organizations to think beyond making profits and looking at building relationships with clients.

Tsunehiro Fukushima

What is going to be the future of marketing? What will be the new Digital marketing trends? What will be the revolutions in the future?
Fukushima in his speech differentiates the past innovations and trends with the innovations and trends of the future. He is sharing his vast experience of marketing and talks about the past marketing trends and ideas that changed the way of living and is guessing about the future of marketing and what is going to be the impact of digital marketing in the future.

Guerino Delfino

Why is the act of humility required? What are the key takeaways about COVID? How are global sustainability goals important in bringing the revolution? What are the important factors in achieving sustainability? How brands are setting new narratives and stances for the world? Why is it necessary to learn market and consumer habits?
Delfino emphasizes on the importance of adapting to the ways of the natural world rather than material world. He suggests that an act of humbleness is necessary which is why nature and economy should both be taken into account as proportional to each other. Delfino highlights that COVID has taught us that we are facing the same challenges which require collective progress towards global sustainability goals, especially SDGs. Transparency is necessary in achieving truthfulness in narrative building and marketing objectives to enhance long term growth. He further proposes that brands need to be honest with their storytelling behind their inspiration and stance building as consumers have a huge role in ensuring sustainability. He further focusses that life choice must be in line with the conscience. Values combined with technology and finance regulation is the key in ensuring sustainability.

David Yeo

What new issues have emerged since the outbreak of pandemic? To remain in business what are the new alternatives adopted by the companies to tackle the challenges posed by COVID-10? Has consumer behavior returned to the pre-pandemic norms?
David Yeo, talks about the issues that COVID-19 has posed to the world, which has altered the way the economy used to function in the pre-pandemic times, especially bringing a shift in the strategies of sustaining the business. At the same time David Yeo also focused on how consumer behavior has changed, and how consumers now prefer technological alternatives and contactless services, such as online shopping. Another aspect of his speech was focused on how the pandemic has pushed for digital transformation, in almost every aspect, be it a business, consumers or education.

Oscar Motomura

What is to be done with all the technology available to us? How has the concept of marketing been reinvented in a world of crises? How pandemic underlined the significance of global solidarity and global cooperation? Why promotion of cultural values is important in creating a cohesive marketing wall?
Motomura highlights that crisis after crisis has reinvented and transformed the marketing strategies globally. Reinvention after reinvention has tarnished the value system but also has promoted integration, solidarity, sense of giving, aims and purpose. He proposes that everybody is facing a dilemma of cooperation and competition. Cultural Revolution has transformed the face of marketing, it has become cohesive and integrating which, if utilized properly, can help in overcoming the challenges related to sustainable marketing strategies. The reinvention of marketing should be responsible for creating a high functioning promotion of humanity in entrepreneurship. Attitude of mutual help and care will lead the society towards well-being.

Dr. Di Deng

What are appealing Chinese websites? Why did the Chinese government not stop the infrastructure stimulating the economy? Why couldn’t the government adapt to a new normal? Why is the infrastructure of the real estate market in China almost saturated? What are the fundamental factors that have continued in the past 1.5 years?
Dr. Di Deng is talking about the concept of new normal in business and marketing, and how the new trend in getting famous in the Chinese market place. He also talked about the economy and development of industries during the pandemic and how the new entrepreneurs can develop a successful industry by telling different stories of some famous industries.

Dr. Sok Siphana

What is the effect of the pandemic on the economy of Cambodia? How can the economy and Livelihood can be recovered? How did the Royal government in Cambodia help in the aggressive vaccination program? Why is the Delta variant complicating the situation? What are the factors that will help in diverting the attention of the world towards Cambodia? How do the two major Political and economic events help in shaping the future of Cambodia?
Sok saphina talks about how to improve the social status of Cambodia. He talks about high-level technology, innovation, R&D, digital infrastructure, and innovative manufacturing to add value to goods logistics, supply chains, and industry to support regional and global value chains. He talked about different trades that Cambodia is negotiating with different countries. He talked about young and women entrepreneurs to take advantage of these new upcoming opportunities. He also talked about the NATO startup center.

Jan Yang

How are typical Chinese consumers? Why are these consumers price conscious? Why do foreign brands easily find themselves in a premium position in china? Why leading to paradigm shifts in a commercial landscape? Why is it necessary for consumer brands to reach consumers in rural areas? Why do overpriced foreign brands find themselves struggling and faltering? What are the boundaries between information and sales channels?
Dr. Jan Yang has shared the information about Chinese consumers, how they work and what strategies they have. He also talked about the foreign consumers in China, like how they used to easily get their positions in the market but now have become less attractive. He also talked about the technology that has made marketing easy.

Elena Hurtado

How are prudence and coherence for companies in a time when the future remains uncertain? What is the importance of communication for companies? What is an integrated image and reputation audit model? What is the anchor that allows the development of the products and services?
Elena, while talking about what is the anchor that allows the development of the products and services says that it’s called credibility. It’s called reputation and it is an intangible that is built from Further she talks about the coherence between what the company claims to be, how it does it and how it communicates and like the different ones. A market and the ecosystem generate this. Another aspect of her speech is focused on messages that she regards as persuasive, commercial, advertising, informational.