Guerino Delfino

Why is the act of humility required? What are the key takeaways about COVID? How are global sustainability goals important in bringing the revolution? What are the important factors in achieving sustainability? How brands are setting new narratives and stances for the world? Why is it necessary to learn market and consumer habits?
Delfino emphasizes on the importance of adapting to the ways of the natural world rather than material world. He suggests that an act of humbleness is necessary which is why nature and economy should both be taken into account as proportional to each other. Delfino highlights that COVID has taught us that we are facing the same challenges which require collective progress towards global sustainability goals, especially SDGs. Transparency is necessary in achieving truthfulness in narrative building and marketing objectives to enhance long term growth. He further proposes that brands need to be honest with their storytelling behind their inspiration and stance building as consumers have a huge role in ensuring sustainability. He further focusses that life choice must be in line with the conscience. Values combined with technology and finance regulation is the key in ensuring sustainability.

Mohammed Hathut

How is marketing an amazing tool to reach out to almost every segment? What is meant by scarcity marketing? Do you really need to define your targets for running a successful marketing campaign?
Dr. Hatut shares three different stories in his speech to help the audience understand the vitality of marketing, and how they need to be specific and target their audience accordingly to run a successful marketing campaign. He further lays down important strategies of understanding the customers, such as why are they buying a certain product and why they are not buying other products. By giving examples of famous companies, emphasizes that marketing is all about influencing the customers.

Royke Tumilaar

How bank strategies can help in empowering SMEs to go global? How much growth of small businesses has taken place in the last five years? Where SMEs are lacking since the COVID has grappled the world? How strategic positioning can strengthen international banking capabilities?
Tumilaar suggest that banking system can play a vital role in in empowering and strengthening the performance and presence of SME in global arena. He highlights that global banking systems have the vision to make 200,000 networks located in Singapore, Hong Kong and Indonesia. He states that businesses have been growing despite the pandemic and profit has increased globally by employing more strategic and efficient initiative. Tulimaar advocates that small businesses have seen a record growth of 13% in past five year tenure. He elaborates that although SMEs are lacking product distribution as compared to others in market, improvement in strategies have has made businesses to contribute 21.6% globally.

Ahmad Almusained

What is marketing communication? How can marketing communication help to reach, influence and spread awareness among people? Why is today interaction between the government and private sector important? How certain campaigns can help gain people’s attention for preserving the environment? Is marketing one of the reasons for overcoming the Corona crisis?
Ahmad Almusained talks about the importance of initiatives to mitigate the efforts of coronavirus, and suggests that the main tool to do this was marketing communication. He has highlighted how the use of marketing communication has helped the government, along with private sector organizations to spread awareness among the public about the environment. Although the pandemic is still ongoing, marketing communication has helped in controlling it. Talking about initiatives to move towards Green Saudi Arabia, he focused on how Marketing campaigns have helped the government to reach out to maximum number of people and influence them.

Andres Ibanez

What are the four success factors which are considered extremely important for the three successful Chilean companies? How Crystal Lagoon has used the Technology and digital to emerge as a successful company? How the data algorithms are utilized by the companies for enhancing their sales? How does the combination of artificial intelligence and deep science help create an environment friendly product?
Andres Ibanez shed light on the success factors which could benefit small, medium and large businesses in the future. He gave an insight into how the technology along with the Artificial intelligence could boost up the growth as well as the success rates of the businesses.

Imaad Baalbaki

How are new realities shaping the future of the consumer market? Why is customer satisfaction necessary? How communication and relationship building have empowered consumers to have power over providers? What is the role of technology in making people more aware?
Baalbaki emphasized that customers are the main force behind business management, marketing and philosophy. Technology has assisted consumers realize the control and influence they have over businesses. Customers now demand satisfaction and value for their money. He suggests that we are in the age where the power is invested in technology because it has introduced consumers with plenty of opportunities i.e. business models and mobility. He further states that on one hand technology has introduced flexibility, but on the other hand it has reduced the human face-to-face interaction. Innovation in technology has enabled consumers to progress from conventional practices models to more value oriented models. Businesses and companies still sticking to old models are more likely to lose customers and market leadership.

Prof. Hirotaka Takeuchi

What is product development? How should organizations in Japan benefit from digital marketing?
What is the role and responsibility of a manager? Why is it important for a manager to be consistent?
Prof. Hirotaka Takeuchi shares his experience of strategy formulation and project development and teaching strategy at one of the most prestigious universities in the world. He talks about the stages of project development and the role of marketing. He talks about his Harvard business reviews and talks about the characteristics of a good manager.

Zongbo Han

Creality was founded in Shenzhen, be the capital of technology in China. We focus on research, design and production with products like FDM/Resin 3D printers, 3D scanners, filaments and so on. All in all, the way of marketing is to release human nature and win the hearts and minds of people. Business methods and strategies are soft powers to read customers ‘mind and escort the company in such a competitive environment.

Nancy Lee

How does social marketing influence behavior of the customers? How social marketers aid the customers in solving their problems? Which elements are involved which cause change in the behaviors? How are the priority audiences targeted by the social marketers? How barriers are overcome by the social marketers? Why education is considered a necessity?
Nancy Lee in his speech describes and explains social responsibilities and how they are driven to influence the behaviors of the people. He further explains that social marketing is basically the behavior change for the greater good.

Takaaki Ogawa

Should brands aim for perception change? How to overcome the competition in the market environment? How can narrative be developed in the world? What does narrative and narrative script in the world of business and marketing? Has the influence of Corona changed the behavior of our customers significantly?
Takaaki Ogawa, talking about narrative, says that the fact that the narrative will be released also means that the company has announced the structure of the narrative and has begun to develop it. The important thing she says is how to draw the narrative in the script above and all communication marketing communication activities are consistent in their participation. She further says that even now, the future is uncertain. Such an unstable situation continues.