Dr. Amir Shahrokhi

To have a justified view and intellectual coherence to achieve sustainability, we must try to identify the essential issues that will add new influential topics and discussions to sustainability knowledge and emphasizing main categories will lead to a brand-new formal form of understanding responsibility and ethics in social, environmental, and business atmospheres

Nalin B Karunaratne

Learn how a local biscuit brand creates products for consumers that support society in creating value beyond brand building to nurturing entrepreneurship, uplifting communities across the country, and inspiring the next generation to be creative and resolve everyday challenges using ingenuity.

Ana Beatriz Hernandez Lara

Eduardo Durón

Boojong Kim

How we can build global brands and how our brands can be more competitive in this rapidly changing global marketplace. The critical elements to make brands more competitive in the worldwide market are building identity, keeping consistency, thinking globally, and acting locally. Top international brands manage the perceptional and emotional value with their own story and the technical or rational elements of brands.

Carlos Aires

Prof. Igor Mann

Trust is a keyword in marketing, sales, in relations because if you have no trust, you have nothing, no customers, you have no deals, you have no projects, you have no contracts, you have no money, and even you don’t have love. Thus, creating such a reputation that has others’ confidence in it is essential for success.

Haesun Lee

Marketing aims to imprint the brand in consumers’ brains like a strong psychological anchor. To do this brand must create a direct and indirect brand experience that stimulates the five senses. For the success of our business, we need a more scientific approach to neuron marketing and to utilize more successful cultural shift marketing

Fernando Poma

There is a difference between functional marketing and emotional marketing. The foremost creates an emotional connection if it’s marketed correctly, and it is hard to fade the emotional connection; it can’t be copied even and builds much more sustainability and noticeable competitive advantage over time.

Dr. Daw Hla Mynit

Businesses and marketers should look at social and environmental issues as potential business opportunities. Businesses and marketers should redesign their value propositions to create tangible social and environmental values that would also create value for the shareholders