Anil Shah

If you think it is hard to market the sustainability of a service or a product sustainably, think about the challenges of marketing a country sustainably. It’s a question of balance. Learn how Nepal strives to be a sustainable tourist spot for all.

Ennio Castillo Doppler

Elia Guardiola

Success is how many lives you have changed for the better with your way of working. The synonymous with success is legacy, a company’s future, and the responsibility to care for the three P’s. Remember people, the planet, and profit

Alessandro Mazzu

Claudio Flores Thomas

Rob Wolcott

Dr. Adam Rudawski

The impact of digital technologies on the natural environment is becoming a growing problem, but we have the technology to save the planet from energy losses and reduce our carbon footprint. Is that happening? New media, is it a promise of sustainability? If mass media can be sustainable, what should be done to make it happen?

Nader Raftari

Juan David Ramírez C

Iván Trujillo