Daniel Suárez

Karla Menezes

How can marketing connect sustainability in all aspects of consumption? Can we reconcile a sustainable strategy? The marketing mix is about strategy planning, focused on sustainable processes and products, the organizational environment, and the conservation of natural resources to improve the quality of life for future generations.

Hemantha Perera

Egbert Dommerholt

The economy as we know it today is artificial. It is the result of our ancestors’ creation, and we’re simply standing on their shoulders today. It is now time to start doing things differently and create a new kind of economy, a de-growth economy or, even better, an economy that is better than growth.

Prof. Figen Yilidirim

The inspiration of sustainability can redefine the traditional marketing process. Holistic marketing and its linkage to sustainability start from humans, not products. Respect everything to bring sustainability to our future generations

Jorge Ruiz Escamilla

Josué González

Pablo Fernández

Why are business transformation and customer-centricity so central? What is the relationship between these two topics? Why is this relationship extremely important? Here is a methodology to guide you about customer-centric business transformation strategies. The key to realizing a customer’s full potential is to design the relationship you want.

Francisco Gallego

Management and marketing are key to solving most sustainability challenges. Marketing is key for what is very important in many public policies related to sustainability and many challenges faced by private companies and NGOs, which is solving the last-minute and there marketing is very important.

Luiz Moutinho

Learn how important future-oriented sustainable technology is. We should attain and achieve to protect our environment and have more global sustainability. This will change everything. A great transition is possible? Yes, it is possible. It’s up to each of us to choose and act.