Veronica Civiero

What is the value of social media?  Do Social Media have a positive impact rather than negative? Does creativity help brands to stand out on social media? Does the Pandemic increase the presence of social media in our lives?

Veronica shows the impact of social media on our community and its value from the beginning of social media to the pandemic era we live.

Manoj Singh

What is the role of design and innovation to promote a “prosumer” interaction? How it is possible to design user and human centered services? How to design for disruption?  What is MIKO 2?

Professor Manoj Singh will drive us through the role of Design and Animation as agents of disruption and its importance to the economies and markets.

Michael J. Gelb

Does every company have to become a “healing organization”? How does a leader have to build consensus with change? How to become more creative on demand?

The aim of this interview with Michael Gelb is to highlight the importance of healing organizations and their role in improving the performance of employees through a passionate attitude. This talk analyses as well the types of these kinds of organizations and the significant role of the leaders in such cases.

Sekib Avdagic

How did COVID-19 affect the Turkish economy and market? Why is the industrial sector so important for Turkey? How does digital transformation help Turkey to develop?  How much does human adaptation and upskill to technology contribute to all sectors improvement?

Sekib Avdagic shows Turkey goals for the future, in all sectors, through digitalization, to support the recovery and growth of the industrial and agricultural sector.

Jennifer Aaker

How much is a purpose important for an organization? How is trust important for institutions and leaders? How can a good relationship with the Human Resources of a company be beneficial?

This speech of Professor Jennifer Aaker shows the importance of a leader in helping a business grow and succeed. The talk analyses 3 characteristics a leader should have to boost their relationship with all human resources that can help them move forward towards their goal.

Denis Rothman

When do we need Artificial Intelligence? When does Artificial Intelligence become intelligible and possibly biased?  How to make Al trustworthy with Explainable AI? Machine Learning Algorithm, Deep Learning Algorithm. What are these things? Will the artificial intelligence be going to replace us?

Professor Denis Rothman will analyse the most innovative algorithms, describes it and runs related examples.