Gareth Presch

The founder of the World Health Innovation Summit explains how the mentioned has provided a platform for sustainable development with targets for each of the 17 SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), bringing like-minded people together, creating opportunities and resources, and constructing an ecosystem to achieve the purposes

Dr. Asghar Zaidi

Sustainability goals are about achieving fairness and justice in societies. Promoting social welfare would promote our current generation’s well-being and protect future generations’ well-being

Prof. Hermann Simon

What is Hidden Champion? It is one of the top three companies in its market, having revenue of fewer than 5 billion dollars, little known or hidden from the public, pioneer of sustainability, changing the world, mostly not visible, and hidden behind the curtain of invisibility.

Anne Rupp

ESG (Environmental Social Governance) affects various internal and external stakeholders and is a simple change management process for the entire organization. This means there are no quick fixes when it comes to E. S. G. It takes a lifetime commitment to change an organization this way. And with the rise of legal obligations worldwide for companies to act sustainably, ESG is increasingly an obligation and a major critical success factor for companies. ESG helps companies to position themselves as attractive employer. E S. G. Increases customer loyalty and satisfies customer needs.

Marianne Van Keep

An intrinsic drive drives everything a business does to sustainability. We strongly believe that we need to do what we do, and that’s important because your impact is much greater if you believe what you do. But then that’s only obvious for some, so you need certification and legislation.

Fariz Jafarov

Mario Silic

Know why online education is important in the world that we know today and what the future could look like when it comes to online education in the next century. Online learning has changed the learning paradigm. Technology is at the bottom; content is at the top, and we humans are in the middle somehow.

Hermawan Kartajaya

If you don’t have creativity and innovation, you will die in times of conflict. Technology must be educated to humanity, and ‘Human 5.0’ is the only answer in marketing. Why? Because the customer is human, and if the market does not have wisdom with the human spirit, technology may increase the number of users, but will that be sustainable?

Sadayoshi Fujishige

Valeria Paiggio

The inclusion imperative is a global mandate for growth-minded marketers. The inclusivity benchmark is rising with each generation. The marketing and advertising industry have several challenges DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion). DEI brand initiatives should be holistic and embedded in all business areas