Sirin Karadeniz

Education is a must to achieve SDGs for a better world. We need to redesign education; it should be Glocal; redesign education based on global innovations and make counts with the local needs and context: culture and values and share with other people in the world so that they can apply it to their local context based on their needs.

Kelly Goldsmith

Consumers experience scarcity daily; lean into it and figure out how that affects their psychology and serves them during times of scarcity. When the world is uncertain, we’re dealing with chaos, scarcity, and environmental threats, and it’s very important to emphasize to everybody that working together is the right approach.

Akan Abdula

Consumer data like age, consumption, purchasing power, urbanization, etc., matters the most regarding gaining sustainability, whether in a developing country or a developed one. Developing countries have the most opportunities in terms of growth. Yet, whether the state or private sector, they need to look deeply into consumer insights and bring consumers on board before bringing sustainable measures to understand the challenges to meet their goals.

Yasir Azman

Hiroo Saionji

In this world, everything and everyone is interconnected. To meet the various sustainability goals, securing peace is indeed exquisite. However, history illustrates that the efforts made by governments, or the United Nations are not enough to achieve peace.

Christine Moorman

Dick Pouwels

How Hanze University focuses on regional development by supporting students in choosing their learning path and developing their talents. The efforts are about the learning community and in that community combining practice, research, and education. And what also is unique in our how is that we focus on research, education, and innovation

Makiko ONO

Learn  how Suntory, Japan, a company with the corporate mission to create harmony with people in nature, does and will continue to take on the challenge and take the lead to step forward toward a sustainable environment and society

Masato Aoki

The impact of marketing on consumers and society has become greater than ever; the power of marketing is enabling us to connect with consumers and society, solve social issues directly and empower consumers through various consumer interfaces

Gabriele Carboni