Omer Senguler

Iwan Setiwan

Now is the ultimate stage when metaverse marketing has become the mainstream approach where the metaverse can provide an alternative distribution channel of products and services and closer proximity to the consumer side. This is when metaverse marketing will become a mainstream approach.

Dr. Khalid Al Rajhi


the changes in the flow of information and lifestyles in the world because of many events in the dramatic evolution of digitalization need the direction of marketing that needs to shift to loyalty marketing, from customer satisfaction to customer experience marketing

Maher Mazher

Hiroshi Igarashi

Dr. Mazliham Bin Mohd

During COVID, academic institutions went online, causing stress and anxiety among students. Mental health issues are often among the main causes affecting an individual’s physical and social well-being. For the students in the university, mental health issues will certainly affect study performance and thus can create more problems in the future.

Dilhan C. Fernando

The challenges we face as a global community are unprecedented and harsh, but the solutions do exist and require that every individual and entity collaborate towards finding and executing the solution, leaving the earth a better place than when we found it for the next generation.

Steve Wunker

Think about that entire process of stakeholder behavior, understand where jobs might coincide and where they might clash and keep digging, keep asking why, and try to understand those root causes, not just the functional ones, but also the emotional ones, get specific

Angel Bonet