Takaaki Ogawa

Should brands aim for perception change? How to overcome the competition in the market environment? How can narrative be developed in the world? What does narrative and narrative script in the world of business and marketing? Has the influence of Corona changed the behavior of our customers significantly?
Takaaki Ogawa, talking about narrative, says that the fact that the narrative will be released also means that the company has announced the structure of the narrative and has begun to develop it. The important thing she says is how to draw the narrative in the script above and all communication marketing communication activities are consistent in their participation. She further says that even now, the future is uncertain. Such an unstable situation continues.

Masato Aoki

Mr. Yoshiharu Hoshino

How can the resort industry recover in the time of COVID? What are the reasons behind the success of the hotel industry in Japan? What are the marketing strategies behind the success? How is branding impacting the growth in the tourism sector in Japan?
Yoshiharu in his speech talks about the marketing strategies that are required to restore the industry in Japan that has been badly affected due to the pandemic. He shares the success story of his resorts that have been operational since the last 107 years in Japan. He explains the marketing strategies that are being adopted to increase tourism which will directly benefit the hotel industry. He talks about the importance of branding for the success of business and what new marketing strategies should be incorporated in the plan for the revival of the business.

Tatsuhiko Fukatani

How can sustainability be changed into a competitive advantage? How can the community contribute to the business? How is Nestle contributing to the betterment of the environment? How can innovation help grow a brand such as Nestle? Why is it important to keep in mind the preferences of the customer in a populated country like Japan?
Tatsuhiko Fukatani explains in his speech how it is important to have a methodology or strategy to grow with time and adapt with the latest challenges. He was of the view that the next big thing is sustainability and how it can profit any company.

Kayoko Tsuchiya

Why is it important to have cultural and technological innovation in the same sphere? Why should we focus on preserving our culture? What is the role of technology in the preservation of culture?
Kayoko Tsuchiya who is a cross border value creation strategist talks about the importance of preserving the culture and how it can lead to economic benefits to the country. Explains how Artificial Intelligence can act as a dominant force in preserving and restoring the cultural D.N.A.

Tomohisa Nomura

What kind of concept do we have in marketing the promotion of a beam TV? How can we think in line with recent media trends and user ecosystems? What do we want to challenge in the future, as a marketing organization?
Tomohisa Nomura discussed the new trends in the world. She also discussed cyber in marketing with new features to improve it. She also discussed how it can be improved with new and innovative ways and how we can make the future better.

Kozo Takaoka

Why do we have to change and transform? How do Japan develop a sustainable growth model?  What is the difference between INNOVATION and RENOVATION?  What is a customer?

Kozo Takaoka focuses on the “New Reality” in Japan: he analyzes the New Reality Problem Solution (NRPS) method based on Nestlé and Amazon performance and the Effect of Covid-19 Pandemics on the market.

Prof. Ikujiro Nonaka

Can we do this to create true empathy? What is the role of the Leader?  What is the relationship between analog/digital and tacit/explicit knowledge?

Nonaka Ikujiro analyses the SECI Spiral Model that shows how the individual, organization and environment become one. Economic rationalism, explicit knowledge, and tacit knowledge are based on experience and intuition.