Marc Oliver Opresnik

How innovation management can ensure one’s success during and post pandemic? Why is the profound understanding of marketing and customer behavior necessary? How instilling strong vision in teams better the communication with stakeholders? Why is value oriented relationship required within companies to increase collaboration?
Marc emphasizes the strategic enablers for innovation nourish the organizations to establish long lasting competitiveness. But in order to utilize those enablers and understand customer behavior, clarity of vision is important. He suggests that traditional and value oriented focus of companies creates influence on media, stakeholders, suppliers, communicators, collaborators and customers. He suggests that if teams have not tried ways and ideas before, it should not become a hindrance; rather , teams can evaluate their uniqueness and values on the basis of new concepts. He advocates that delivery of superior quality services and goods i.e. producing, supplying and manufacturing, through innovative leadership builds perceptions of stakeholders. Repetitive behavior within organizations damages strategy building and fails to create new successful business models.

Kai Hong

How have marketing strategies changed in the last 30 years? How has marketing transformed in the last ten years? How to build an infrastructural structure to support the new marketing ways?
How innovation has changed marketing in china? How China is using digital apps as a digital marketing tool?
Kai Hong in his presentation at the World Marketing trends talks about the latest marketing tools and how they can be used for effective marketing. He explains how in China marketers are using apps like tiktok and wechat and are using them to get a better understanding of the consumers. He talks about the different effective ways of approaching consumers.

Luiza Helena Trajano

How has digital connection allowed micro businesses and companies to communicate widely? Why is digital availability of products as important as availability at physical stores? How life with pandemic becoming a new normal has given birth to new paradigms? Why have women stood up during a pandemic to serve the interests of their countries?
Trajano highlights that the pandemic paralyzed the world completely for a brief period. Small and micro business setups offer fair size employment which is why quick measures became a necessity. She states that the pandemic introduced us to the digital connection like never before. It helped becoming micro setups to transform into sophisticated businesses. This also created a sense of responsibility among people to take care of their countries and eventually the world. She highlights that women started standing up to contribute and become a working force because of digital connection. They were able to work and perform their domestic duties together. It provides households with financial support and a sense of equality.

Poramate Minsiri

How technology particularly mobile phones have contributed in the growth of marketing in the last ten years? How COVID has affected consumer buying behavior? How technology is making things easier for the businesses and consumers in the new normal?
Poramate Minsiri in his talk about the increasing role of technology in the business and how it is positively impacting the way marketing is carried out by companies. He talks about the new normal and how technology is helping to connect businesses and consumers in the post COVID world. He explains his idea of how to effectively use technology for the mutual benefits of companies and consumers.

Ammar Hassan

Why are companies battling for acquiring more and more data in the new age? How can the new marketeers expand their business using data in the right way? How can data help in understanding consumer behavior?
Ammar Hassan, focuses on how data is transforming into fuel for the next generation. He suggests how New Age marketers should focus on data for developing concrete marketing strategies. Hassan having relevant experience of years talks about the human element of marketing and why it should be at the forefront. While focusing on the value of understanding the data structures, he lays emphasis on collecting the right data and at the right time. Moreover, how this collection of right data can help a company expand.

Hamad Al Hajiri

In the new normal, how to engage the customer? How can businesses use digital marketing to interact with the customers in the time of pandemic and even after it? How important is it to understand customer behavior?
Hamad Mubarak talks about the importance of digital marketing and how companies can utilize it to reach their customers and interact with them. Digital marketing has become a crucial tool for the companies in the age of pandemic. For marketing it is important that companies understand their customers. He suggests that even if companies have small customer lines, they need to make sure those customers are happy and engaged.

Gautam Mahajan

What are lessons we can learn from the COVID-19 crisis? Is there really going to be a new normal in this world? What can the new normal look like? Will money and power remain the major motivating forces in the post-COVID-19 world? Will democracy remain an ideal mode of governance?
Gautam Mahajan suggests that a ride of management and our work has to change. Mahajan talks about the possibility of a new normal and how it will be like. He emphasizes why it’s necessary for office workers to concentrate in an office for better communication, efficiency or ability to manage and ensure people are working on time at the ship. He highlights that the internet transactions will increase, because people will choose lesser physical contact.

Salim Ismail

How do you build an exponential organization? Where will the technology be after ten years considering the doubling pattern? How do you turn your company into one of these hyper growths, fast moving adaptable companies?
Salim Ismail gave several suggestions to both big and small-scale companies on how to react in the emergency situations like COVID-19 and build up for future challenges. He shared his experiences and talked about other companies who have managed the new challenges in a time when the technology is growing at an unprecedented speed. Moreover, Ismail also talks about handling the organization of a company that does not become detrimental to its growth. He emphasizes on adapting to the new changes in the market, which will eventually help to perform well in the market.

Tomohisa Nomura

What kind of concept do we have in marketing the promotion of a beam TV? How can we think in line with recent media trends and user ecosystems? What do we want to challenge in the future, as a marketing organization?
Tomohisa Nomura discussed the new trends in the world. She also discussed cyber in marketing with new features to improve it. She also discussed how it can be improved with new and innovative ways and how we can make the future better.