Kozo Takaoka

What is innovation? How can management be called marketing? Why is marketing more than human management? How major innovations have benefited mankind?
Kozo Takoka in his talks explains the definition of innovation by sharing his vast experience of working as an innovation expert. He explains what is innovation and marketing and talks about the future trends of marketing and relates them to the innovations of the past.

Michael Jacobdies

How competition is changing and what sort of competitions will emerge in the future? What are the changing dynamics of competition and innovation? How freeform competition will impact the future? How organizations should prepare for the future?
Michael G. Jacabdies in his presentation compares the marketing and business competitions of the past and strategies of the famous corporations at that time. He talks about the changing dynamics of competition and innovation and how the competition has evolved over the years. He explains about freeform competition and what should be the key elements of the preparation strategy of the organization for future competition.

Rob Wolcott

What are the essentials for future marketers? What is the importance of Artificial intelligence in the decision making and support for marketers? How digital technology is making an impact on the businesses? What is the concept behind the term proximity?
Rob Wolcott who has an extensive experience of management and innovation talks about the essentials that the marketers should follow. He in his speech talks about the role of technology in the marketing and how artificial intelligence and 3D printing in particular are making a positive impact on the decision making. He in his talk explains his concept of proximity and how it can benefit the future marketers.

Edwin R Bautista

What is blockchain? What are the major milestones of union bank? What do you do to create a sense of urgency? How is the world being disrupted? How might we be disrupted? How have banks been disrupted? What is digital transformation?
Edwin R. Bautista has been discussing the new technology and how tech is important but a person is more important. He talked about the fundamental key factors that can help to build brand trust so that can lead to customer loyalty because customer are now used to better service.

Dr. Darren Coleman

What are the more stable and enduring characteristics of human behavior? How can you incorporate these behaviors into the brand experiences you build so you can win in the new or not so new normal? Do organizations need to focus on the changing nature of man? How stories and emotions can help build a brand?
Darren Coleman shares his insight about understanding those human behaviors that do not change over time. Keeping in view such behaviors he suggests that these factors need to be a focal point of the companies rather than exhausting their efforts over what might change in future. In this regard for factors, emotions, sense of belonging, humor and stories are the unchanging factors and the brands must keep them in consideration to build a good customer chain.

Asako Hoshino

Philip Kotler

How businesses will look and behave in the post COVID-19 world? How will future marketing be different in the post- COVID-19-19 world? How will the behavior of companies change once the COVID-19 comes to an end? Why is it important to consider the social media marketing strategy?
Philip Kotler discusses the future of marketing and how after COVID-19-19 new realities of business will be shaped. One of the most important aspects of his discussion was the focus on the changing buying patterns of consumers and also the new. Talking about post-COVID scenarios he discusses the realities and world shaped by new normal and what it will mean for marketing. He emphasized not only on the changes in the marketing strategy but also the changing characteristics of the consumers.

Amir Shahrokhi

What were the obstacles to businesses during the pandemic? Will the new normal be the same in the post-COVID world? how to come up with a solution that would have both the features of the formal normal work offices and the benefits of virtual or remote working? What will the future work environment look like?
Amir Shahrokhi compares and contrasts the world before, during and what it might look like after the pandemic is over. He discusses the changes that companies, businesses and their employees experienced during the outbreak of coronavirus. He further highlights how the working behaviors have changed from going to office daily and then moving the entire business on virtual platforms and working from home.

Sadia Kibria

What does the world want from businesses in the fight against COVID? What is Sociopreneurship and why is it so important for a better and sustainable world? How major companies worked together to fight COVID and what important message they have delivered? What are the new demands of consumers from the companies and why is it important for the companies to fulfil those demands?
Sociopreneurship carries a mission and vision to change and transform society. Sadia Kibria’s speech will highlight the key components of sociopreneurship and how major companies are adopting this concept to save the world from the impacts of Covid-19 and why it is important now for big corporations to work for the betterment of the people.

Dominique Turpin

What will the consumer of the future look like? What is the new generation of customers looking for? How should marketing be focused on resolving the problems of customers? How should brands add value to customers?
Dominique Turpin explores the trends that have been causing a shift in consumer behavior and how these shifts are likely to affect the future of brands. He suggests brands to keep in consideration the element of demographics which will help understand the consumers and their needs. He emphasizes on the need that brands need to establish a global presence, because there are customers everywhere, who want products wherever they are. Therefore, brands must have an enhanced form of communication channels.